Sign Off

I regularly get emails from people whose signature block is more than 20 lines. This is, to say the least, somewhat over the top. (I just cut my longest signature block down to four lines, because I decided that five was too many.) Do you really need that many lines to sign off?

(And that’s not even getting into the graphics logos that help clog up servers–they probably take up more space than the whole rest of the email–and add nothing to the email itself. Many recipients won’t even see it.)

Consider this, too; every time you email someone back and forth, that signature is getting added into the chain, again and again and again. Then you and someone else send an email back and forth five times, then forward the whole chain to me with a note at the top saying, “Can you look into this?” Which leaves me scrolling down through hundreds of lines of text, trying to pick out the actual content from the rolling barrages of signatures, so I can figure out what it is I’m supposed to look into.

Now, multiply that by the number of people that you email. Beginning to see the problem?

If your signature is consistently longer than the emails you write, please consider your recipient. You are sending the equivalent of a postcard with three pages of business cards and legal disclaimers attached. Is that really the impression that you want to give?